
Mission, Statements of Faith and Beliefs

Mission Statement

Davidson Academy is dedicated to providing a strong Christian foundation for lifelong learning and college preparation by nurturing spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social growth in an interdenominational setting.

Statements of Faith

We believe God has revealed Himself, His purposes, and His ways in the Bible, which is therefore absolute in its truth and authority over daily living.

We believe God is one, absolute in power and authority over all people. He has revealed Himself as Heavenly Father and is the first person of the Trinity.

We believe Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, the physical embodiment of God; He is fully God and fully man, a mystery that calls us to worship.

We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is the invisible and contemporary presence of God.

We believe all human kind are separated from God by sin and are in need of a Savior.

We believe salvation comes only through belief (faith) in Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His sacrificial death upon the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

We believe Christians should live their lives in community, as members of a body of believers, and in subjection to the will of God, holding one another accountable for their decisions and choices and offering encouragement and prayer support in all things.

Beliefs and Philosophy

Davidson Academy endeavors to assure that students are: