

At Davidson Academy, we are committed to equipping our teachers and students with the skills and tools they need to excel in a technology-rich society.
Beginning in middle school and continuing through high school, students are provided with current model Windows 10, 2-in-1 laptops. With these devices, they can take notes, access textbooks, and do extensive research. All students have access to Microsoft Office Professional Suite and a Davidson Academy email that is used to communicate with teachers.

Davidson Academy has a full time IT staff member to assist students with any technology needs and ensure online safety.
All of our classrooms and libraries are equipped with multimedia computers and streaming TVs. Our primary goal is to integrate technology into the curriculum so that the learning process is enhanced.

Students begin using iPads in pre-K3 to reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. Starting in kindergarten, students are introduced to the computer through computer lab, where they are taught the basics like how to use a mouse and type their name. Once a week, all elementary school students go to the computer lab to learn about internet safety and be exposed to different types of software.