Meet Lily Blackwell

Grade: 11th Grade
How long have you been a student at DA?
5 years
What is your favorite thing about DA?
My favorite thing about DA is how many things there are to do. I was made to feel welcomed and the memories I’ve made at DA will stick with me forever. 
Which class had been your favorite and why?
Pottery and Theater have been my favorite classes at Davidson Academy. I have taken Theater every year at DA, and it has made me grow as a person and helped me with my social skills.
How would you describe the classroom environment at DA?
The classroom environment at DA is fun and entertaining so it’s easy to stay engaged and learn a lot. 
What is your favorite DA tradition?
The theater productions that we have at Davidson Academy are one of my favorite traditions. We also have the opportunity to induct the new students into the program.
What activities are you involved in at DA?
I am the president of the Thespian Society, a member of the cross-country team, clay target team, and track and field.
Choose a DA activity or team that you listed above and describe your experience and how it has impacted you.
Cross-Country has impacted me the most because it’s trained me physically and has taught me how to persevere through tough situations.
Davidson Academy is a God-focused school. How does that impact life at DA and what does it mean to you?
Because Davidson Academy is a God-focused school, I am surrounded by like-minded friends so it’s helped me grow closer to God.
What would you tell someone who was interested in attending Davidson Academy?
This is an amazing place and I have made friends for life here.